"Cloudy Skies" - Art Yarn by Meet the Wool

"Cloudy Skies" - Art Yarn by Meet the Wool


A lovely art yarn spun from Valais Black Nose sheep fleece with just a touch of mohair and light blue Wensleydale blended in. Each skein has approximately 45 yards and makes a unique accent to your knitting projects. 100% Irish made from Irish wool.

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"Summer Rose" Art Yarn

"Madra Rua" Art Yarn - Meet the Wool 265025147_939631713653891_5282956066758682435_n.jpg
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"Madra Rua" Art Yarn - Meet the Wool

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"Copper" Art Yarn

"Primrose Yellow" Lock Spun 2020-08-17 14.38.55.jpg
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"Primrose Yellow" Lock Spun
